Ask Matt: Episode 17


This week, we have a special guest - Dr. Okhee Lee. Okhee is a professor of childhood education at New York University where she works to advance research, policy, and practice around science and language learning, especially for English learners. Okhee was on the NGSS writing team, a leader of the NGSS Diversity and Equity team, and author of many peer-reviewed articles on teaching and learning.

In this episode “Interview with Dr. Okhee Lee - Part 1: Intentions of the NGSS”, we’ll talk with Okhee Lee about NGSS and get her unique perspectives and advice surrounding teaching and learning. In a later episode, we’ll invite Okhee back to our show so we can focus on another area of her expertise and interest — science and language.

Listen to Episode 17 of ‘Ask Matt’ on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotify, or below:

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