Ask Matt: Episode 20
During this episode “Exploring Outdoor Education and NGSS”, Eugene and Matt are joined by a special guest - Tashanda Giles-Jones. Tashanda is a teacher at Environmental Charter Middle School in Inglewood, California, and she'll be sharing some of the work she's done helping students become leaders in their community through outdoor and environmental projects. Matt and Eugene will then explore how outdoor education can enhance opportunities for science learning.
Listen to Episode 20 of ‘Ask Matt’ on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or below:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Generation Earth
The California Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Curriculum
The Bay Foundation
The Edible Schoolyard Project
California Academy of Sciences
Green Schools National Network
2016 Science Framework for California Public Schools, Chapter 11: Instructional Strategies for CA NGSS Teaching and Learning in the Twenty-First Century