Top 10 Quotes from Podcast Episodes with Prof. Okhee Lee


In our recent two-part podcast episode with Professor Okhee Lee, I found so much of what she shared both innovative and inspiring. Although you can set aside time to listen to the podcast here, I thought I’d share my top 10 favorite quotes from the episodes to provide folks with a flavor of our discussion. Here they are organized by general theme with some of my reflections below.

Science Instruction:

  1. “Students are DOING science and engineering as scientists and engineers do, and through the process they make sense of the phenomenon. This is a complete flip from previous pedagogies.”

  2. “Students are not RECEIVING science but are CONSTRUCTING science.”

  3. “Students are doing junior versions of science and engineering.”

As a scientist, I really like the notion here that we want our students to do science like a real scientist, to construct science, not receive, but also that student work is not at the level of a professional scientist, but rather building the skills to get there. If we take this to heart, then we don’t always have to start instruction with a phenomenon. Matt shared how geologists often start their work just by observing a new location to see what they find. Just being a curious scientist. Later, they will try to explain some phenomena they observe.


  1. “NGSS mantra – If you can Google the answer, it’s not worth instructional time."

I love this quote because it reminds me that we might be able to google a DCI and make progress on that subject, but googling an SEP isn’t going to help much. These are practices that require time and experience to make progress.

Science and Language

  1. “In NGSS, language and science are at the center.”

  2. “Vocabulary is labelling in context as needed to become more precise.”

  3. “What matters is the precise ideas, then you can use the precise language.”

Okhee spoke passionately about how student ideas matter more than their initial ability to express those ideas in English. She also emphasized how “we will eventually get to the ‘Sunday Best’ of using the vocabulary very comfortably.” - yes, I just snuck in another Okhee Lee quote!

Moving Forward and the Future

  1. “There has been a progression from Language English Proficiency (which starts with a deficit), to students from Non-English Language Backgrounds (a deficit) to English Language Learners to Multilingual Learners (an asset).”

  2. “Students will solve local environmental problems using science and engineering.”

  3. “Students are doing a project to solve a problem in a place (typically community, home and family) by using science to explain why and engineering to solve the problem.”

To me, language and labels matter, so I appreciate using multilingual learner as it makes clear the asset this brings to the classroom. I also appreciate a common theme thoughtout our discussion that students are ideally placed in positions where they can solve real-world environmental problems.

- Eugene, Green Ninja Founder