Student Environmental Action Event
Fall 2020
Last Friday, the Green Ninja Team hosted our very first Student Environmental Action Event! Our goal was—and is—to showcase and celebrate student achievement towards improving air and environmental quality, and how that learning can be extended beyond the classroom.
For this Fall semester, all the students who submitted had participated in our Fall Air Quality Program, a program that taught students about petroleum, carbon emissions, and air quality. Students then created PSAs to share local air pollution solutions. It was fantastic to see all the students’ creativity and hard work in these unprecedented times.
Below are all of the student submissions.
PSA by Jasmine and Abigail
* Best Call to Action Award Winner
* People’s Choice Award Winner
PSA by Max B.
* Best Science Message Award Winner
PSA by Gunnar, Dean, and Sunil
* Best Science Message Award Runner-up
PSA by Ellia
PSA by Simone, Miles, and Lelio
PSA by Nala and Oliver
PSA by Ella
PSA by Olivia
PSA by Tor, Kai, and Fitz
PSA by Daniel and Nathan
PSA by Max M.
PSA by Delilah, Lena, and Pheobe
PSA by Katherine and Isabel
PSA by Michael
PSA by Oliver
PSA by Nicolas
PSA by Nathan
PSA by Miles and Mason
PSA by Eli
PSA by Charlotte and Maddie
PSA by Carly and Solenne
PSA by Justin and Tyler
PSA by Kian
PSA by Elliot
PSA by Finn
PSA by Charlotte
PSA by Georgia
PSA by Even
PSA by Scott
PSAs by Audrey and Dylan
PSA by Iliana, Jane, and Opal
PSA by Chloe
PSA by Jake and Theo
PSA by Kieran and Elliott
PSA by Kaia
PSA by Thalia
PSA by Catherine
PSA by Kaili
PSA by Ishaan
PSA by Andrew
PSA by Annabelle and Alana
PSA by Collin
PSA by Anya
PSA by Cole
PSA by Julia
PSA by Nichlas
PSA by Milan
PSA by Meera
PSA by Isaac
PSA by James
PSA by William and Aaron
PSA by Mark

PSA by Tristan
PSA by Mila
PSA by Talia
PSA by Quinn and Noah
PSA by Wyatt