Fall 2021 Pilot Opportunity

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What’s Involved?

Hello there! Green Ninja is seeking interested science teachers to teach science through the lens of the environment. Get access to our latest climate unit and in return, we just ask for your honest feedback to help us improve the unit. Pre-register below, space is limited to 50 teachers. Interested teachers will be contacted in August 2021 with a confirmation.

Length of pilot: 10-17 days of instruction in the fall 2021 semester (flexible according to teacher’s schedule)

Grade levels: Grades 6-8.

Requirements: Teachers will be asked to fill out a pre- and post-survey to provide feedback.

Training: Free online workshops on teaching climate change will be offered throughout the fall.

Cost: There is no cost to gain access to our new unit on climate change. Although we are a commercial science publisher, our mission is to create educational materials that help inspire and empower the next generation of environmental stewards and leaders. This unit is produced to support teachers around the world who are looking for an opportunity to bring an action-oriented climate change experience into their classroom. 


Pre-registration Form

Fill out the pre-registration form and we’ll be in contact August 2021 with a follow-up confirmation. Space is limited to 50 registrations!


About the Unit - Save the Monarchs

Unit Storyline: The unit starts by introducing students to Alejandra, a young girl who visits her grandparents in highland Mexico and learns about the migration patterns of Monarch Butterflies and how their populations are rapidly declining. Students then use data and experiments to explore the connection between Monarch migration patterns and climate change, develop explanations for the causes of climate change, and at the end of the unit, develop action plans to help save the Monarch butterflies.

Standards: The unit is integrated across life science, earth science and physical science disciplines. Within the Next Generation Science Standards (in the U.S.), the unit covers LS1-2, ESS3-5 and PS3-3 for middle grades (6-8).

Length of Unit: The unit includes 17 days of instruction. Each lesson is approximately 45 minutes long. Modification plans are provided to shorten the unit to 10 days, while extension opportunities are provided at the end of each chapter. 

Format: The unit is formatted and prepared using google slides and instructions are provided to use google classroom to share materials with students. All slide decks are student-facing and assume students are being taught remotely or through a hybrid teaching environment. Each slide deck has a teacher answer key, and all slides decks can be edited and modified easily by teachers. 

Materials: No additional materials are needed to use teach this unit, although various experiments and hands on opportunities exist and can be leveraged for the face to face or homeschool environment.