Green Ninja + PocketLab
Green Ninja has partnered with the device-makers and educators at PocketLab to include these amazing data sensors in our materials kit to provide students with the ability to gather and analyze real-time data. We think it’s meaningful for students to collect and conduct their own investigations of the world around them. When you pair these devices with Green Ninja, real science magic happens!
Meet the Devices
PocketLab Voyager
This PocketLab device can measure motion, altitude, light, magnetic fields and more.
PocketLab Air
This PocketLab device can measure carbon dioxide, ozone, particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and light.
PocketLab Weather
This PocketLab device can measure temperature, humidity, light, barometric pressure, altitude, heat index, and dew point.
See What Other Teachers Are Saying
Check out how teachers in middle school, high school, and college are using PocketLab devices to bring concepts to life.
Device Use Across Grade Levels
Grade 6
The Grade 6 material kits come with the PocketLab Weather and PocketLab Air. Below are a sample of lessons that use these devices, but there are other ways to use these devices in your classroom.
PocketLab Weather
Lesson 2.17 Thermal Mass Investigation Part III*
Lesson 3.6 Sea Breeze Part I*
Lesson 3.22 Oceans Part I*
PocketLab Air
Lesson 5.4 Tracking Waste*
Grade 7
The Grade 7 material kits come with the PocketLab Voyager and PocketLab Air. Below are a sample of lessons that use these devices, but there are other ways to use these devices in your classroom.
PocketLab Voyager
Lesson 3.7 Investigating Chemical Reactions Part I*
Lesson 3.10 Engineer It Part II*
PocketLab Air
Lesson 2.23 Air Quality Part I*
Lesson 2.26 Air Quality Part IV*
Lesson 3.6 Measuring Carbon Dioxide During Photosynthesis*
Lesson 3.17 Measuring Carbon Dioxide During Cellular Respiration*
Grade 8
The Grade 8 material kits come with the PocketLab Voyager. Below are a sample of lessons that use this device, but there are other ways to use this device in your classroom.
PocketLab Voyager
Lesson 3.7 Making Waves*
Lesson 3.13 Wave Behavior Mystery Box*
Lesson 3.19 Analog and Digital Part II*
Lesson 5.16 Measuring Magnetic Fields*
* Lessons that require full access to be viewed.
How it Works
Step-by-step instructions of how to use PocketLab devices within particular Green Ninja lessons are provided below.