The only science curriculum aligned with the mission of Laudato Si’

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We build science curriculum that inspires students to design a more sustainable world


Using science and engineering for good


Creating leadership opportunities


Inspiring environmental stewardship



Meet our team at Green Ninja


Eugene Cordero
Founder & Director

Eugene is the founder and director of Green Ninja. As a professor in the Department of Meteorology & Climate Science at SJSU, he is an experienced scientist and educator. Eugene enjoys biking and hiking, especially when these activities are fueled by a sustainably grown burrito.

Leah Tremblay
Director of Business Development

Leah is the Director of Business Development, she listens to the needs of teachers and forms long-lasting friendships with educational communities. She holds a degree in Business Administration from SJSU with a concentration in Finance. Leah enjoys reading, trail running, and spending time with her family in the outdoors.

Matthew d’Alessio
Curriculum Director

Matt leads the curriculum team and helped design the program from the ground up using the NGSS as the core framework. Matt has some good NGSS experience as one of the chief authors of the 2016 CA Science Framework. In the past, Matt was a high school Earth Science teacher in an urban public school, a research scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey, and now he also works as a Professor at CSUN where he teaches science to university students and future teachers.

Sheryl Neal
Director of National Accounts

Sheryl is Director of National Accounts. She is a proven professional who is skilled at working with educators and administrators in large districts to address and improve student performance through excellence in instruction, curriculum, and assessment. She holds an MS in Education from Prairie View A&M University. Sheryl is also a certified Travel Agent and enjoys planning vacations for friends and families.


Tashanda Giles-Jones
Outdoor Education Specialist

Tashanda Giles-Jones is an environmental educator leading the Outdoor Ed Program for Green Ninja. Tashanda applies innovative, place-based, project and action-focused, training for teachers interested in moving their classrooms and curriculum outside. She builds multi-layered extension activities that lend to exposures and hands-on engagement, leading to environmental literacy and a deeper science understanding. She’s earned 3 AA’s and a BA in public policy and sustainability focusing on education and community building. She has spent the past 14 years as an environmental educator teaching youth and adults urban agriculture, environmental literacy content, and outdoor education.

Sandi Yellenberg
Science Educator Trainer

With a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s in educational leadership, Sandi moved from the classroom, to spend 15 years working at the county and state levels introducing teachers to the NGSS. She is excited to present trainings on how the Green Ninja curriculum can empower students as science learners; discovering the workings of their environment and becoming peer leaders who help that environment flourish.

Jody Sherriff
Science Educator Trainer

Jody began her career as a classroom teacher, teaching all the grades Kindergarten through 8th grade during that time. Jody moved from the classroom, to spend 25 years working at WestEd introducing and supporting teachers through the process for implementing the NGSS. She is excited to present trainings and support teachers on how the Green Ninja curriculum can empower students as science learners and become critical thinkers so they may become leaders in promoting the health of our planet Earth. Jody has become involved with promoting and saving the mason bees by providing plants and homes for the bees in her backyard.

Ellen Metzger
Science Education Specialist

Ellen provides PD support and advises the PD team with her experience working with teachers since 1990. She is currently a professor of Geology and Director of Science Education at SJSU. She co-directs the Bay Area Environmental STEM Institute (BAESI), a professional development program that has served over 4,000 teachers in the SF Bay Area.


Diana Centeno
Research & Curriculum Specialist

Diana is a senior curriculum developer on the team and helps with research publications and presentations. She has an MS in Meteorology from SJSU. Diana enjoys writing, watching historical movies or documentaries and playing video games.

Rebecca Collins
Lead Curriculum Developer

Becky joined the curriculum team six years ago after teaching science in middle and high school for 12 years. One of her key roles on the team was to ensure that the content is designed for and helpful to other teachers. Becky holds a BS in Biology, a Life Science Teaching Credential, and M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction.

Crystal Kirkpatrick
Curriculum Developer

Crystal is a Curriculum Specialist with Green Ninja. She has had a long love with education earning two Bachelor degrees and a Masters degree before getting her teaching credential. She enjoys taking her two young children on daily walks and bike rides whenever feasible.

Elizabeth Whitaker
Curriculum Developer

Elizabeth is an elementary school teacher and has taught in several Australian states including working in remote Aboriginal communities. She has also lived and taught English in Japan. Currently semi-retired, she continues to enjoy substitute teaching across all elementary school levels. Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her family, piano-playing, reading, quilting, and baking.


David Chai
Animation & Film Director

David is the producer of all things Green Ninja. He directed the Green Ninja shorts and is currently working on two secret Green Ninja projects, a graphic novel and board game. He is a professor and chair of the Department of Animation/Illustration at SJSU where he also received his MA in Animation. When he’s not teaching, you’ll find David working on short films to be screened at film festivals across the world.

Pauline Ruan
Publication Production Manager

Pauline oversees the physical compilation of all printed materials and manages other on-going projects. She has a BS in Advertising with a minor in Philosophy from SJSU. She enjoys taking her dog Bubba to green and grassy places.

Carmen Chow
Visual Artist

Carmen creates illustrations for the curriculum and website. She has a BFA in Animation/Illustration at SJSU. Carmen enjoys playing video games with friends and walking around the neighborhood with her dog Peri.

Annette Zou
Designer & Strategic Advisor

Annette works with Green Ninja as a UX designer and strategist. She has a background in game design, design thinking, and currently works at Stanford ChangeLabs as a Systems Designer. Someday, she'd like to design a video game with Indigenous Australians about the Australian Dreamtime.


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