PocketLab Devices


Green Ninja has partnered with the device-makers and educators at PocketLab to improve on the hands-on opportunities within the Green Ninja curriculum. The PocketLab devices included in the Green Ninja materials kit provide students with the ability to gather and analyze real-time data such as velocity, acceleration, temperature, carbon dioxide, humidity, pressure, light, and magnetic field. These state-of-the-art high tech devices help students explore the world around them while developing skills in data collection and analysis. One or more of these three devices are included in the Green Ninja materials kits.

PocketLab Voyager

This PocketLab device can measure motion, altitude, light, magnetic fields and more.

PocketLab Air

This PocketLab device can measure carbon dioxide, ozone, particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and light.

PocketLab Weather

This PocketLab device can measure temperature, humidity, light, barometric pressure, altitude, heat index, and dew point.


To see the PocketLab Voyager in action, check out this video.

NewsGreen Ninja Team