In this episode "Supporting NGSS in your classroom", Eugene and Matt talk about classroom strategies that can help move instruction toward NGSS. For example, how do sentence frames, vocabulary, and hands-on activities look in Matt's ideal classroom.
Read MoreIn this episode "NGSS and Climate Change", Eugene and Matt about climate change, how it appears in the NGSS, and how youth leaders like Greta Thunberg can provide inspiration for great science engagement and inquiry.
Read MoreGreen Ninja will be attending this year’s California Science Education Conference, October 18 - 20 in San Jose, CA!
Read MoreIn this episode "Dissecting an NGSS standard", Matt discusses the connection between student achievement and teaching, and how teachers can make progress with NGSS.
Read MoreIn this episode "Assessment and Planning", we talk to Matt about assessment—formative, summative, performance and other types.
Read MoreIn this episode "The California Science Framework and the Impossible Burrito", Matt talks about his writing experience with the 2016 California Science Framework and his suggestions for favorite chapters for teachers.
Read MoreIn this episode "Turning your classroom upside down", Matt talks about Asking Questions and Patterns, and how to use these key practices and concepts in the classroom.
Read MoreGreen Ninja has a new podcast featuring Eugene Cordero, a climate scientist and founder of Green Ninja, and Matt d'Alessio, a science education expert and author of the 2016 California Science Framework for NGSS!
Read MoreThe Green Ninja Film Festival (GNFF) encourages young adults to create films about environmental solutions. Entry into the film festival requires a short film accompanied by a digital portfolio that includes justification of the underlying science in the film as well as audience analysis.
Read MoreWe really enjoyed reading the article Teaching Climate Change in Middle Grades by Angela Duke that was recently published in MiddleWeb.
Read MoreThe Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are being rolled out in schools throughout the nation, and the teachers we've been talking with are both excited and nervous about how this will look in their classroom.
Read MoreGreen Ninja is officially on track to be a California Department of Education approved middle school science curriculum provider!
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